Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Russell Herman's Experience Teaching in Kansas

Russell Herman
Haysville Middle School
8th Grade Social Studies

Why did you become a teacher?
I originally went into education because I wanted to have a career in coaching. But upon student teaching, I realized that I found teaching youth even more rewarding than coaching them. I want to be a positive influence towards each of my student's lives as many have difficult circumstances that they face in their personal lives.

Why is Kansas a great place to teach?
Kansas is a wonderful place to live and teach. The people in this state are so welcoming and friendly. They are always willing to help a person in need and that's what teaching is all about!

What has been the highlight of your teaching career so far?
The highlight of my career thus far has been the many connections that I have made with students who normally struggle in school. I help them to realize that school can be fun and challenging at the same time. They know that I care about their lives and futures and that helps to win them over.

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